About Us

Maverick Synfuels > About Us

Maverick Synfuels develops and commercializes advanced thermo-chemical technology that converts low-value and renewable feedstocks into high-value fuels and chemicals. Our processes are feedstock flexible and can convert methane (natural gas, landfill gas, anaerobic digester gas), as well as biomass, municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial waste into transportable intermediates. These intermediates serve as building blocks for multiple products that readily integrate into the existing market infrastructure, such as jet fuel, diesel and propylene.

Competitive Advantages

  • Feedstock flexible process accepts plant-based, biogas, or non-biobased feedstocks
  • Strong IP focused on production of transportable intermediates that serve as building blocks for multiple products
  • Partnerships for upstream/downstream processes for the Integration of commercially-proven, best-of-breed technologies
  • Unique spoke-hub / co-location deployment model based on modular refineries that scale to feedstock and production economics
  • High-value, high-demand end products that readily integrate into the existing regional market and distribution infrastructure

Maverick Synfuels is a privately held company.  Our management team includes individuals with significant experience in process engineering, green chemistry, biofuels, project management, operations management, technology development, and start-up ventures.  From a scientific, business, and legal perspective, we have significant experience in gas-to-liquid technologies, petroleum chemistry, organic chemistry, business, corporate finance, and legal issues surrounding early-stage companies.
